- The period to request officials for dance team meets is open now.
- Requests made after the deadline are subject to a $25 late fee. Officials will not be scheduled until late fee payment has been received. Requests for officials must be made via the Meet Request Form available on the JAM website.
- Meet Coordinators should provide an additional Host School contact (possibly an athletic director or dance team coach) on the Meet Request Form.
- Small invitationals and conference meets at Metro schools (within the Metro Athletic Directors Officials Fees Committee) should be scheduled for Monday, Tuesday or Wednesday evenings, if possible. First priority will be given to metro meets on Mondays, Tuesdays and Wednesdays.
- Small invitationals and conference meets at Outstate schools (NOT within the Metro Athletic Directors Officials Fees Committee) should be scheduled for Thursday or Friday evenings. First priority will be given to outstate meets on Thursdays and Fridays.
- Meets at Metro schools on weeknights should not begin prior to 6:00pm, whenever possible. Meets at Outstate schools on weeknights should not begin prior to 6:30pm, whenever possible.
- Any meet that schedules a break in the day that is longer than 90 consecutive minutes will be billed as two separate meets.
- Meets with over 100 routines (“Mega Meets”) will be billed as two separate meets, meaning officials are to be compensated the rate of pay for 100 routines and then an additional rate of pay for the number of routines exceeding 100.
- Small invitationals (not conference meets) on weeknights are to be capped at 20 routines. If more than 20 routines are expected, two panels of officials will be recommended.
- Saturday invitationals require a minimum of 20 routines in order to be scheduled.
- Any Saturday meet with over 40 routines will be encouraged to run a dual-sided event with two panels of officials.
- Finalized meet information is required six weeks prior to the event. The JAM Scheduling Team will reach out to meet coordinators to confirm meet information. If finalized meet information is not received, officials will not be scheduled.
- Meets cancelled less than six weeks prior to the event are subject to a $25 cancellation fee.
- If a dual-sided meet with two panels of officials utilizes only one experienced, proficient tabulator instead of two tabulators, the tabulator shall be paid the Superior Judge rate of pay for the event. This will be done as a last resort in order to efficiently utilize officials on busy dates, with consent from the Meet Referee, the tabulator, and the host school.
- The JAM Scheduling Team reserves the right to close any date during the dance team season when we are at capacity of requested officials. Any closed dates will be publicized on the JAM website and the Meet Request Form.